Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So I've been writing these guys pretty late.

But that's just the way it's working out, I guess. No big deal, I suppose that's because it's the end of the semester and I'm getting into my winter break frame of mind. I now have a month where, because I don't have a job this time, I don't have to worry about absolutely anything. I don't have many goals for this break...I suppose I should set a few, eh? Well, here's a list.

1. Finish applying to all schools. I am in college now, yes, but SITBA is not the sort of place that accommodates anything more than you and your car. I will get my AS at the end of this spring semester, and that's all dandy, but it's nothing compared to the BS's that some other kids are shooting for. So I think I'm gonna go ahead and do that too, and hopefully get myself on the track to becoming a trainer of the next generation. In the world of mathematics.

2. Read the books that I've borrowed from people. This is somewhat crucial. These people need these books, they're good readin's. It's going to be tough sitting around and reading when I could be out playing, but maybe there's some worth to maintaining literacy. 

3. Beat Vice City. It's about time. San Andreas isn't getting any cheaper. 

4. Apply for Federal Aid. That kindof helps with number 1.

Those are the major goals, I think. There are tons of tiny ones, but who cares about those? I'll write them down later when the damage caused by procrastination brings them to the top of the list.

I need to write these entries when I'm not so tired, but that's tough to do when you've got sweet buds. And great friends. Take tonight, for instance. My friend Mr. Grey and I hung out, and aside from finding a lump of something that may or may not have been sweet and sour chicken on the floor of the mall next to a suspicious crater, we had a fun. Is night inferred there? Or am I Italian? You're going to have to make that decision for yourself, El Conquistador. We wandered around the mall for a while, went to Best Buy and achieved nothing, and finally decided to head down to a local coffee shop. I love this joint. The people are friendly, the atmosphere is comfortable, and they have chinese checkers. It's so cool, they even had a jazz band playing and acted like they didn't notice. We sat, drank coffee, played a game of "name-the-evolved-form-of-this-pokemon", and almost didn't notice when the old guy overlooking our booth began to moan, sing, cry, or laugh into empty space; we couldn't quite decide what he was doing. It was extremely bizarre and we cried. 

Tomorrow I go to a dinner meeting with Neutron Fist, Mr. Green, and the fat one. I have heard that prizes will be involved. Recipients, even.

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